Saturday, 15 September 2012

By: Dave Coggon

Losing weight through lifestyle choices.
<BR><BR>Everyone knows that losing weight is often a balancing act between calories consumed and calories expended. You know the Peter Kay saying ` Take the C off Chips and what have you got ! ' . It's not easy though, sticking to a regular, healthy diet and i wouldn't advocate for one minute that you shouldn't treat yourself occasionally. One thing you can do though, is to drink Green Tea.
<BR><BR>Sure, it is an acquired taste and not for everybody, but it does have a number of health benefits which you may or may not be aware of.
<BR><BR>One benefit is that it can help to speed up your metabolism which is always a useful consideration when trying to lose weight. Not only that, but Green Tea helps to speed up your metabolism without relying on a high caffeine content; which can in large quantities can lead to tremors, heart palpitations and raised blood pressure. In this sense, Green Tea has the edge over coffee or tea.
<BR><BR>Carbohydrates have come in for bad press over the years and wrongly gets the blame for people piling the weight on. In fact, you need plenty of Carbohydrates to fuel your body for exercise as this energy is more readily available for you to use. There certainly is nothing wrong with ` Carbing up ' when your hitting the gym or doing exercise that raises your heart rate. Baked Potatoes, Bread, Pasta, Cereals with whole grain, Fruit and beans are great sources of healthy Carbohydrates.
<BR><BR>Proteins are equally important in that they help you to build lean muscle mass whilst keeping your weight in check, go for Beans, Nuts, Milk, Eggs, Poultry and lean meats where possible. Eating proteins helps you to shed fat and has the added benefit of making you feel fuller for longer - Great news when your trying to lose weight.
<BR><BR>Finally, although this goes against the grain of most people's diet tips, i would suggest you eat a small amount of fats daily. Good fats include non saturated fats and fats without trans fatty acids or saturated fats. Olive oil and flaxeed oil are both good types of fats. However, in order to stick to a diet of any kind i believe it's important to give yourself a little treat on a regular basis. Is one chocolate eclair or a single packet of crisps a day really going to ruin your diet when you've been so good the rest of the time and spent time burning calories up at the gym ? - i don't think so. What's more, if you allow a treat a day you know that your far less likely to binge through not being able to stick to a regimented diet. Just allow yourself that treat and don't feel guilty.
<BR><BR><a href=``''>lose weight with eating chocolate</A><BR><BR>Joining Support Groups - This can be very beneficial in helping you stay on track and keeping your weight loss goals in check. This could be through joining upto a weight watchers group or joining a weight watchers forum online. Just get the support you need and you will be more likely to succeed in your weight loss endeavours.

For Further information about weight loss diets and programmes, including ` How to eat chocolate and still lose weight ! ' go to :
<a href="">Article Submission</A> by Article Submission Express

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