By: Dave Coggon
The benefits of drinking Green Tea whilst trying to lose weight.
<BR><BR>Everyone knows that losing weight is often a balancing act between calories consumed and calories expended. You know the Peter Kay saying ` Take the C off Chips and what have you got ! ' . It's not easy though, sticking to a regular, healthy diet and i wouldn't advocate for one minute that you shouldn't treat yourself occasionally. One thing you can do though, is to drink Green Tea. Sure, it is an acquired taste and not for everybody, but it does have a number of health benefits which you may or may not be aware of.
<BR><BR>Alcohol Consumption - Obviously you know your going to develop a beer belly or add several inches onto your hips if you drink too much of this (not to mention the damage you can do to your liver), but within moderation, a glass of red wine has shown to be therapeutic in administering health giving properties, due to it's antioxidant properties and it's high levels of Resveratol. The substance Resveratol has been shown in studies to be beneficial in aiding weight loss and is also believed to boost a gene which is reponsible for longevity. Don't feel guilty about drinking alcohol, but try to stick to red wine where possible and be sensible about the amounts - a glass a day should be enough and no, we're not talking ` pint sized glasses !'
<BR><BR>Limit takeaways and dining out - Home cooked meals are a great way to watch what you eat and hey, whilst your preparing the food you sure aren't comfort eating are you ?! Often takeaway meals and meals out can be laden with fats and monosodium glutamate, not good if your on a diet. Stick to home cooked meals where possible, using grilling as opposed to frying to limit fat intake and plan your meal ahead according to your dietary needs - take control.
<BR><BR>Another benefit of drinking Green Tea is it's high content of antioxidants, namely Catechins. Green tea contains Catechins in it's natural state which helps to suppress the absorption of fats from food. As well as helping to decrease your body fat it also helps to reduce your bad cholesterol levels within your body. Antioxidants also play a vital role in maintaining a healthy heart.
<BR><BR>Take regular exercise - This one stands to reason in helping you burn off more calories, just don't overdo from the start. Find some exercise or sporting activity that you enjoy (use your imagination if necessary !) and start off slowly, building upto longer sessions or gradually more intense sessions. Also, try to vary your sessions intensity as constant high intensity exercise is a sure fire way to injury, fatigue and burn out. If possible, find a mate whom has similar interests and whom would like to do the activity with you, the more support you give one another the better. If you have any concerns about embarking upon a fitness programme always consider seeing your doctor or nurse practioner first for a full health check up.
<BR><BR>Finally, although this goes against the grain of most people's diet tips, i would suggest you eat a small amount of fats daily. Good fats include non saturated fats and fats without trans fatty acids or saturated fats. Olive oil and flaxeed oil are both good types of fats. However, in order to stick to a diet of any kind i believe it's important to give yourself a little treat on a regular basis. Is one chocolate eclair or a single packet of crisps a day really going to ruin your diet when you've been so good the rest of the time and spent time burning calories up at the gym ? - i don't think so. What's more, if you allow a treat a day you know that your far less likely to binge through not being able to stick to a regimented diet. Just allow yourself that treat and don't feel guilty.
<a href=``''>lose weight with eating chocolate</A>
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