Saturday, 15 September 2012

BARFI movie producers hired ZAYKA CATERERS for celebration at TAJ

Want a caterer for wedding but don't know how?
  is ready for work! A brand  service by catering service of ZAYKA CATERERS. These great professionals have many wonderful flavors, including apple, cherry, apricot, raspberry, and blueberry. ZAYKA CATERERS dishes are made out of only the best gourmet fruit fillings inside a soft shortbread crust.
Catering has never been so simple.
made it easy for you with there great website design. A few simple clicks, you've got an order placed! What can be better for a get together then a great food. Everybody will compliment the amazing look of the food and wonder at the flavor, truly something unique to share with everyone.
         You may ask yourself, self...what's the difference between a regular caterer and a Zayka caterers ? We'll, The crust is thicker on zayka foods catering, but the main difference is the moist shortbread which makes up the crust. Besides that, the filling is made from only the finest ingredients available in India. That combines with the great flavors, it's a hard combination to beat. But the food presentation by is really something special, a must try.FantasiCakes fruit tarts are also great ways to build memories. Ordering a fruit tart online can help to bring back the memories of smelling goods baking as a child, but also to build new ones. The blueberry tart is also a great choice served warm or cold, reminiscent of a sweet summer cobbler grandma use to make.

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