Saturday, 15 September 2012

Advices to Better Health and Decrease Triglycerides

By: Grace Isabel

Triglycerides-bad or good for you?
<BR><BR>Triglycerides are a form of fat that the body creates from excessive calories, alcohol and sugar. Your body naturally utilizes triglycerides for energy.
<BR><BR>For optimum health, a few triglycerides are okay. Nonetheless, raised triglycerides may be an indicator of metabolic syndrome and may heighten your risk of heart disease.
<BR><BR>Metabolic syndrome is a combination of high blood pressure, raised blood sugar, excess fat around your abdomen, low HDL ("good") cholesterol, and increased triglycerides. Metabolic syndrome amplifies your chances for cardiac disease, diabetes, and stroke.
<BR><BR>What produces high triglycerides?
<BR><BR>A few instances of what causes triglycerides are:
<BR><BR> * Excess weight.
<BR><BR> * Uncontrolled type 2 diabetes.
<BR><BR> * Hypothyroidism.
<BR><BR> * Kidney disease.
<BR><BR> * Overeating and not enough physical activity.
<BR><BR> * Elevated alcohol consumption.
<BR><BR>Several medicines that cause triglycerides to rise are:
<BR><BR> * Beta-blockers.
<BR><BR> * Birth control.
<BR><BR> * Steroids.
<BR><BR> * Tamoxifen.
<BR><BR> * Estrogen.
<BR><BR> * Diuretics.
<BR><BR>In a number of cases, elevated triglycerides are hereditary.
<BR><BR>Counteracting triglyceride levels:
<BR><BR>It does not have to be difficult to decrease your level of triglycerides. Just pursue these five simple steps for improved health to bring down your triglycerides.
<BR><BR>Increased triglyceride levels are symptomatic of having extra amounts of stored fats (which may be utilized to generate energy), so you have to go and workout more. You eliminate more calories when you are active and, as a result, you bring down your level of triglycerides.
<BR><BR>It is not necessary for your workout to be strenuous either. Should you run errands within walking distance, you definitely must refrain from driving a car. Carrying out your everyday routines, for instance, household chores, will also torch calories and decrease overall triglyceride levels.
<BR><BR>Frequently pick smart foods to eat because research has shown that the wrong food would raise levels of triglycerides. If you change from vegetable oil to canola oil, you could greatly improve the quality of your diet.
<BR><BR>It is easier to keep track of your food intake if you prepare your meals, rather than going out. Eating foods that are high in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids for example, salmon and flaxseed, will enable you to augment your overall health. If you want to bring down your triglycerides, it is important to put veggies and fresh fruits in your daily diet.
<BR><BR>Be sure to drink plenty of water. You may avoid overeating by filling your stomach with water. Health care professionals advocate consuming 64 to 80 ounces of water per day to flush your system and heighten feelings of fullness.
<BR><BR>Studies suggest ingesting niacin or vitamin B3 to decrease triglycerides in people. Mushrooms, eggs, milk, tomatoes and chicken are just a few of the foods that contain a lot of this vitamin. This vitamin plays a significant role in your metabolic balance. Vitamin b3 is another way to decrease triglycerides. Therefore, include this vitamin to your daily supplements.
<BR><BR>Many nutritionist and dieticians suggest eating smaller meals throughout your day. It is important to eat a healthy breakfast to avoid going empty and over-eating later.
<BR><BR>Your systems internal cues provide the feedback you need to let you know when you must eat and when to stop. Listen to it so you do not overeat.
<BR><BR>Do your very best in picking quality and nutritious foods. Stay away from refined, processed, and sugary foods.

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